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i logged in about 40 hours with harriet this weekend and remarkably i didn't get sick of her. not because she isn't awesome, but because i generally get very sick of people very easily. i don't know where that comes from, but it is not a favorite personal attribute.

i spent a lot of time on my roof sunning yesterday. Today my skin is looking a little bit freckley. i didn't even realize they still made freckles.

i spend an incredible amount of time examining every square inch of my skin. it is very therapeutic and sometimes fun to try to recount how certain battlewounds were acquired. today, bruises from last tuesday night on my shins look bigger.
in all of my over-indulgent splendor, i skidded across the floor of Lit and slammed my shins into the couch that hattie and cole were on. i somehow managed to salvage my drink as i sailed across the two of them, but it wasn't pretty.
and pink panties were seen by all.

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