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like a poem i meant to write.

have you ever accidentally burped into someone's voicemail?

yeah, well me either, but i just did.


have you ever eaten a meal that was awesome and then you get to the last bite and it tastes like shit?

yeah, well, i just did that too. i ate a yummy, overly commercial, i'm embarassed to admit, salad from guy&gallard. it was so good, i almost made love to it. and then that last little mandarin orange/walnutty bite tasted like shit.


maybe this is not my day.

4 Responses to “”

  1. Blogger rik 

    Just stumbled accross your blog using the bar at the top. Frickin' hilarious, especially from an english point of view. You have a regular reader!

  2. Blogger summerdress 

    thanks for the comment rik. do you shave your balls? and if so, how do your lady friends feel about this?

  3. Blogger rik 

    alas I do not, but if I did and my friends knew . . . yikes I dread to imagine what they'd think! Not something I've really dicussed with them, hmmmm. That could break the ice at parties . . .

  4. Blogger summerdress 


    but if do you try it, i wouldn't suggest using nair, or really any kind of hair removal cream. and if you really feel the need to, don't go haphazardly slathering it all over the old chassis. test it out on a less critical area first. i learned the hard way.

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