big fat fucking farts, and sometimes --- some alliteration

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i tried to copy and paste my entire collection of illegally acquired songs to this because i wanted some honest opinions on what song is going to be the one to score me a $2000 ticket.

admittedly, there are some shitty songs by shitty bands on my playlist.

i am not ashamed.

but i don't think they'll be the ones that get me busted.

i would like to think that the incredible (undeniably so) music will not get me busted either. just because that would make me lose faith in what it feels like to know incredible music.

i buy shit tons of CDs. but sometimes the internet is the only way to go. for the shitty music- it's the stuff you've heard too many times on the elliptical trainer at the gym or on your irritating coworker's hello kitty radio and don't necessarily want to purchase the whole album. and for the amazing musical talents, the internet has all kinds of rad shit that you can't find anywhere- even in your uncle peter's basement by the hookah. unless you were there, sometimes there's just not a damn thing you can do. a victim of timing.

i think it's the mediocre songs that you kind of have as fillers that will stamp that fine in the mail to you. maybe?

is there even such a thing as mediocre songs? there have to be.

actually, right now when i look at the list it's fucking great or terrible.

but i guess there are definitely a lot of songs in the world that are neither here nor there for me.

unless you have to hear them 2348023480238402 times.

today emily told me that she liked my favorite song about the girl with hair of black and eyes of blue the first time she heard it, but now she hates it.

i was so hurt.


this is crap.

ever since i got this fucking camera, i have nothing to say.

exactly how my grad school shit is going: 5 minutes of inspiration followed by long periods of fuck this shit, let me just draw pictures of butts with fart clouds coming out of them and submit that to the fucking committee. watch. i'll get the letter:
"and our 15th and final spot for entry into the program this year goes to you. we simply couldn't stop thinking about your very graphic and realistic representations of farts that go pfffffft and frrrrrrrrrrrt and thhhhhhhhhhhfffffffffff."

because that's what farts do.

1 Responses to “big fat fucking farts, and sometimes --- some alliteration”

  1. Blogger Carl from L.A. 

    Agreed. Illegal downloading is the only way to go.

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