it is hotter than the devil's underpants in my apt right now.
i just walked in the door and i am definitely sweating like a miami hooker.
ahhh, nothing like a 14 hour day to welcome you back from vacation.
i couldn't concentrate today.
and the doctor even upped my adderall.

my kiss ass coworker was in waay too good of a mood and i found it a little off putting. not because i was in a bad mood, but i hate people that 1) almost never fuck up and 2) when they do, they will never ever admit to it.
goddammit. we all know you're not perfect so act human you fucking spaced out android weird pen holding fuck.
also on today's agenda: a riveting trend meeting. the i-think-i-am-the-big-boss boss/antichrist in her evil knievel leather jacket. red black white. what? we're here to talk about trends?? goddammit, i thought we were here to spectate as you drove a motorcycle through flaming hoops and over a tractor trailer.
today caroline told me that i need a rica. is this true? i tend to think i could live in a thatched hut for the rest of my life. in bora bora.
A friend's poem:
i smoke my lonely cigarette,
and it's raw winter beneath my tongue,
a sweet peach devoid of juice.
i give myself to the subdued sun,
that winks at life and sneers at death,
and laughs at my apathy and stolen breath.
it squeaks by me in an instance's life,
like grass cut clear off the blade of a knife.
the day stood ripe, poised to pluck,
but now rots in an orchard of bittersweet fruit.
a thousand moments lie still and mute.
i die in a sea of forgotten time,
in a bold but fading chalk outline.
i smoke my lonely cigarette,
and bite into my sick regret.
fuck regret.
today i sent copies of mermaid ave, volume 1 to everyone that was out on sunday night.
maybe weird, maybe thoughtful. maybe thoughtful and weird. and why the fuck have i been feeling so generous lately.
i basically get paid in magic beans.
whatever. they're worth it?
according to the receipt the next morning, i spent $163 on shots sunday night. and in the south, that's an accomplishment.
je ne me rappelle pas.
j'étais seulement là.
δεν θυμάμαι.
ήμουν μόνο εκεί.
katarina είναι μια μικρή κούκλα.
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