is it possible

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really, is it possible that i am sick again?

i feel like shit.

yesterday's hangover x323235534 is how i feel right now.

you know what's funnier than doing blow with a bathroom attendant at a bar? having to be told about it the next day.

sweet jesus. when you quit drinking for a few weeks, your tolerance goes to shit.

my etiquette piece is out for the world to see tomorrow. am i allowed to post it here too?

i'm having problems with homonyms today.

and i'm going home to the beach on friday. i'm so excited i don't really know what to do with myself.

maybe get a brazilian?

you know what i'm into these days: lists.

the adderall has turned me into a quasi organizational freak.

i'm exhausted.

another weekend come and gone. another guy blown in harriet's bathroom. the saga continues..

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