bring the noise

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here is a drinking game for all you kids out there. nothing says "i love my country" more than some debate night debauchery.

and if you're really into it, go for the red,white, and blue when you're at the store tonight. and i don't mean budweiser.

i'm talking the beer of champions: PBR

Democrats drink if Kerry:
Mentions Vietnam
Says "Bring it on"
Begins a sentence with "The truth is ...
"Brings up his Purple Hearts
Mentions WMDs
Says "stronger at home" and/or "more respected in the world"

Republicans drink if Bush:
Says "nuc-u-lar"
Refers to a "pre-9/11 mind-set"
Says "evildoer"
Uses "Saddam" and "al Qaeda" in the same sentence
Talks about "turning the corner"

Democrats drink twice if Kerry:
Rolls his eyes
Invokes Bill Clinton

Republicans drink twice if Bush:
Makes up a word
Says Saddam "tried to kill my daddy"
Invokes Reagan

Everyone drinks if either candidate:
Uses the term "flip-flopped"
Says the other is bad for senior citizens
Mentions Bush's National Guard Service
Mentions the Swift Boat Veterans
Talks about "letting the terrorists win"

Everyone drains the bottle if:
Kerry sweats off his fake tan or uses the word "lock-box"
Bush calls John Edwards "the Breck girl" or mentions "weapons of massdestruction-related program activities"
Either brings up Ralph Nader

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