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come for the sun. stay for the heat.


i'm addicted to the crappiest television. the bachelor. what the shit is this?

i don't know, but i love it.

these girls are fucking terrrible. but every season i have a favorite.

what? the claws are going to come out this episode? the most dramatic rose ceremony ever? someone's going to be sent home broken hearted?

well, balls! this is so fucking novel, i can't miss this one. these producers kill me. every year something totally different.

and north shore?

somehow i didn't get enough of the cheesey, quasi-elitist drama watching melrose place and Bev-niner growing up.

this show is awful and fantastic.

maybe i'm secretly reliving my 90210 years, with the return of shannen doherty. back on the scene as alexandra hudson after a long run of even more terrible television on charmed. i mean, come on shannen. it's about time you returned to good quality trash television. and let's see what's behind door number 2!

she's a castrating bitch in this series!

seriously, you guys are killing me.

i was never one for those salt-of-the earth (poor/hapless/ugly people) dramas. you know, party of five, my-so-called-life. they were a little too honest. i preferred to lie to myself and pretend that everyone drove bmw convertibles and got nose jobs and that every boy was willing to "wait" like sweet david silver. melrose place was a little fringy for me. i couldn't relate to the fact that they weren't all trust-fund babies. but i did secretly want to ride grant show's motorcycle.

yeah, his motorcycle.

uh-oh. the rose ceremony. who will hot professional fisherman byron choose?

byron says this is the toughest decision of his life. must be because they're sluts.

yep, sluts, all of them.

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