why can't they wish their kisses good.

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this shit is fucking doodoo.

that's right bitches.

d-o-o d-o-o

i fucking cant stand it when people who have obviously- morethanobviously- undoubtedly met you before fucking play it cool. like hey, i'm the guitarist and lead singer of this band, i don't even remember taking $150 worth of shots with you girls. i am in this lame ass band, i take so many shots with so many girls. who are you again?

you're not fooling anyone tonto.

you're band is fucking 2 man!

and your haircut??


1 Responses to “why can't they wish their kisses good.”

  1. Blogger summerdress 

    you know rosebudd, i couldn't agree with you more. it makes me doubt my southern roots to witness such an ungrateful display.

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