mind your p's and q's

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in 3 weeks i will be writing a guest column for a dc publication for capitol hill. it just so happens that this is an etiquette column, which i find extremely amusing.

when i got the call i thought, ha! i have managed to fool someone into thinking that i am proper enough to write a guest spot in their etiquette column. then, the second half of the conversation was devoted to telling me that what i write must be appropriate.

what did these people think i was going to write about? his and hers pubic hair maintenance?

aww, come now.

since when does crotch hygiene not fall under the category of "appropriate."

this weekend has been the least fun weekend i've had, since being single. being sick is a total bust. and it pisses me off beyond belief. i like for my weekends to be full of long nights, hangovers, shopping, and food. i don't really think that is too much to ask. this weekend i have participated in exactly none of the afformentioned activities.

not even eating..too much sick & too much adderall.

blech. i'm getting out of this hell hole.

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