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well today i'm home sick

with pneumonia.

it sucks.

it sucks enough that the name makes me think of that grim i-just-walked-into-a-fart face that a lot of people in new york have.

i'm bored. and the television is maybe the most unappealing thing i can think of right now. so i'm reading a lot. the last few hours have been orwell's 1984. how appropriate for this here election day. especially with campaigns like mtv's vote or die. whoa chief. better hurry to the poles before a mohawked, sean john medallion wielding diddy comes knocking on your door ready to nunchuck your ass.

i wholeheartedly agree that we should all step up to the plate and vote, but vote or die? i guess they're just conveying the gravity of the situation?

whatever, just go to the polls and vote or quit your bitching.

in other news, my place of business has succeeded in making me feel incredibly guilty for taking half of yesterday and today off to recover from my recent illness. in fact, they've made me feel incredibly guilty for coming down with this in the first place. like i'm sitting here all weekend going please GOD give me a terrible sickness that causes me to feel like crap and not be able to move from my bed. please

so guilty, that i've checked my work email approximately every 9.2 seconds. and am spending part of today "updating a grid." i also have this feeling that my boss, who i'm convinced when not ordering me to do her work for her is busy orchestrating the apocalypse, is going to try to guilt trip me into cancelling my weekend vacation plans so that i can come to work on monday and tuesday. is this ok? not with me. i didn't plan/intend to come down with pneumonia.


today's lesson: vote. or diddy will get you. and maybe even hit you over the head with a bottle of cristal? oh, and don't get pneumonia. the bosses/antichrists don't like it.

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