i am trying to break your heart

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Old lines.

Old habits

Die hard.


What do you do when you feel like withdrawing? How do you come out of the I-feel-like-withdrawing slump?


What happens when you have this weird feeling that you can’t put your finger on?

Put your finger on it.

You’re about to end the denial.

You are exhausted. You are always exhausted when you go home. Your friends are so much more involved, and of course, your family is.

It’s a good thing though. All the coddling and nurturing.


I think I must be sitting right beside the engine of this goddamn plane. I can’t hear the wilco that I’m trying to hear. I’m sure led zeppelin will play loudly though.

It always does. Loudly. On the day that I leave this place.

It exhausts me to see the sunset out of the window of my airplane.

I am angry flying over Washington dc.


That’s what has to happen.


The logistics of life

How do you make it come to fruition.

I saw maybe the most attractive male I’ve ever seen today at lunch at the Artisan café. I’ve never gotten that flustered over someone I found attractive sitting across a restaurant. It was terrible.


david tells me this weekend that he loves the mermaid avenue cd, but billy bragg ruins it. i'm sorry, but that just doesn't jive with me.

I’m an American aquarium drinker. I assassin down the avenue.

I am trying to break your heart.

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