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textbook nerd wearing clash t-shirt. you are rad. come listen to some clash albums with me.

the facts of life reunion is on tv right now. somehow i have just wasted the last 30 minutes of my life watching this. natalie, who is even less attractive in the later years, is in a dilemma trying to juggle her men. such a feel-good story--the fat "nice girl" trying to decide between two hot, successful men. i'm sorry but this is just a little far-fetched. and nancy mckeon did not make it back for this long awaited "reunion" in peekskill. what the fuck, jo? i missed out on why she was absent; i was too late to see the beginning.

i just got back from the spa. it is more than a little erotic to have hot honey poured on your feet and hands and then massaged into them. i actually think i felt tears welling up when i had to open my eyes and realize that the two hours was up.

and ps, 20 years didn't make kim fields any less annoying.

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