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tweedle dee and tweedle dipshit

anonymity is difficult to achieve. i'm not famous. but what the hell is famous. lack of anonymity.

i sent someone a comment on their blog tonight. i regret it now. not because i didn't sincerely mean what i said, but because i don't want them to try to find me. that sounds really lame and overdramatic. but i didn't write them so they'd write me back. i wrote them because their writing was really sad and raw. everyone in this big anonymous but so un-anonymous world is not an asshole.

gross, sentimentality is so fucking lame.

2 nights ago i had a bartender at this shady bar downtown that looked EXACTLY like the trailer park version of my scary ex-neighbor: single white female. scary. i wanted to claw her eyeballs out of the painted up lids everytime she served me with that big toothy mouth that looked like an octopus anus. or didn't serve me for 30 minutes at the time. why am i having deja-vu over this. did i already blog about this? and did i just use blog as a verb? pisser.

today i was really excited to come home and listen to the marcy playground song bye bye. it was a little unnatural how many times i thought about this song today. i am always mesmerized by the words 'spatial spectral' strung together.

new york is weird today. quiet but accusing. i have seen so many police today that it is making me paranoid. their motorcade sounded like a swarm of mopeds, not motorcycles. it made me laugh how untimidating they were. they looked serious though. i will give them that, grimmacing as they whizzed down the street.

the saxophone is a little bit sexy, but bill clinton doesnt really do anything for the cause.

it is hotter than 7 hells in my apartment right now. i have not been able to be fully clothed while at home since friday. come to think of it, i don't really practice being fully clothed while at home ever. unless i am having guests. i also think it is weird when people wear shoes around the house. it does not seem to be the time or the place.

socks in bed are especially gross.

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