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have you ever noticed how all the good words start with D? D and L.

you know. drugs. delight. decadence.

"debauchery," you say, catching the tune now.


"delectable. deranged. debilitated."



when i was younger i thought all of the hot boys names started with J.
i have only dated one person whosenamestartswithJ.

i am pretty sure that now i think that all of the hot boys' names start with abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.

phew, that just tested my homerowkeys knowledge.

tonight i am dancing around my room to galway girl by steve earle. on repeat. i wish i was a galway girl. with hair of black and eyes of blue.

we are throwing a bright lights, big city party this weekend. it may not be in century city, but it will be a penthouse. you can count on this. i hope to wear an english beat t-shirt and a white miniskirt. i will probably decline from shaving half of my head though.

but who knows, when the bolivians come-a-marching.

ahh the 80s...

moral decadence

over indulgence

these words roll right up the nose so easily.
and i was just a baby.

i find it mildly creepy when i get home and it is more than a little obvious that someone has slept in my bed and on my couch.

my roommate tells me that she slept in my bed all weekend.

this is right after she tells me that she rendezvous'd with the quasi boyfriend all weekend.
don't ask questions,


but how to de-funk the couch?

i read some camus this weekend. it has been a long time since i have spoken or read fluent french. 2 years to be exact.

fluent. i would like to be fluent in music. i don't mean reading it because i can already do that. it bores me. but i want to know everything about it.
or is that what makes it boring? and what is the definition of fluent?

extraordinary is a yummy word. unless it is extraORDINARY. i wish to be the former.

also today i started looking seriously at grad schools.

ditching the fashion industry altogether and studying science. it seems so much more real.

give me a fucking break. i spend my day making sure my colors flow and my trims are perfect and that this thong is not going to wedge too far up some sluttyrichtrophywife's crack. come to think of it, i think i would make a fantastic sluttyrichtrophywife.
i am not above that.
but i don't think i am passive enough.

then i will get old and have hair of blue and eyes of black. and my fat bastard of a husband will leave me for trimspa anna nicole smith.

science sounds good.

better living through chemistry: words to live by.

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