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i wish i were home without all the goingoutparts. as soon as i got in town last night, i went out with some old friends. it was very disappointing and not as fun as i remember, or as fun as fun can be.

my day was nice. the beach is as beautiful as i remember. no one works here.

tonight i went to a bar on the beach, near my house, figuring it would be as ridiculous and fun as i remember.

there is a lot for the locals to learn about "fun"


the bars close at 2, which is early enough, and i am home at 1:15.

i am not above what they do here, i just don't think it is fun. well, maybe i am above it.

i am a little drunk.

not drunk enough to be talking about being drunk.

my dog is licking my leg and it is making me a little uncomfortable. i don't really like anyBODY licking my leg, much less my dog.

the situation is just a little twilightzoneish all around.

tomorrow i head to where i used to live, to party with my college roommates who i am sure will engage in the same shan-hanigans that i have come to love. my favorite bar has already ruled that my entire entourage gets to drink on the house all night. now that, my friends, is a bold statement.

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