crappy pictures of pictures
Published Monday, November 22, 2004 by summerdress | E-mail this post

and once upon a time i had really short hair. this short. a little more than a year ago. and maybe i should cut it again. cause now its all long and blahblahblah and not that long but long for me.
long like hairs fall down my back in the shower and tickle my crack. and long like my braid gets caught under my arm when i'm serving the ball while playing tennis.
not like crystal gale long.
and not doesyourhairgetcaughtinyourcrackwhenyouwipe long.
i'm having a cosmic day.

i don't know what it is exactly, but i think i'm having one.
oh and today, the television makes me want to kill. i can't stand to look at the crap they're selling us all over the boob tube. it almost gave me a panic attack a little while ago.

and, in other, more tragic news, due to recent monetary investments made in the name of the social lives of myself and my friends, i have had to start taking the subway. i have taken it twice in the last week. it's a little rough, but i have to muster up the energy to luxuriate in this pedestrian mode of transit for another week or so.
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