i just haven't been feeling so bloggish lately.
the weekend was amazing. each day/night was better than the last.


i went to the circus too!

so today i got a personality profile. this is what i learned about myself:
Element: Air
Mode: Mutable
Ruler: Mercury
Color: Orange, Yellow

Famous Geminis:
Josephine Baker, George Bush, Jacques Cousteau, Bob Dylan, M.C. Escher, Melissa Etheridge, Anne Frank, Judy Garland, Steffi Graf, Henry Kissinger, Thomas Mann, Paul McCartney, Marilyn Monroe, Joyce Carol Oates, Isabella Rossellini, Kathleen Turner, John Wayne

Amiable, articulate, clever, communicative, curious, fickle, flexible, inconsistent, proficient, sociable, supple, versatile, vivacious
Anxious, calculating, cynical, hypocritical, nervous, restless, shallow, sly, superficial, unpredictable, unstable, volatile
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, the sign that is characterized by communication. Geminis are very intellectual individuals, and are forever interested in broadening their horizon – they are eternal students! Mercury, the planet of communication, rules your sign, and makes you an articulate and versatile person, K. You are outgoing and sociable, and due to your lively attitude, you are the born entertainer. Clever and ingenious, you usually get what you want with your charm and wit.

First of the three air signs, you are a dexterous, multifaceted, and flexible individual. As the most diverse and eloquent sign of the zodiac, you crave mental stimulation above all. Your curiosity, combined with your ability to synthesize information, makes you the messenger of knowledge and information.
As a Gemini, you rule the third house, the sector of your chart that describes how you perceive, process, and communicate facts. You are a mutable sign, responsible for keeping information flowing. You are gifted in adapting to situations and making compromises. Of all the zodiac signs, you are the peacemaker and troubleshooter who actively finds solutions to tricky situations.
Cancer Rising, you are a “lunar” personality. That is someone who is emotionally volatile, K, with inexplicable mood swings that seem to occur cyclically. In general, you keep a good deal of anxiety inside yourself, especially if you are in doubt about something. Even though you are sensitive, susceptible, and vulnerable on the inside, this may not be apparent because you cover yourself with a hard shell. You don’t like to make waves, and you prefer to stoically endure difficult relationships, rather than taking active steps to find a resolution. You contain a deep inner life, one full of imagination and fantasy, which explains why you are attracted to the eccentric and idiosyncratic sides of other people.
You are a nurturing and hospitable individual, and are drawn to creating a safe place in your life, which is your home and your family. You are the kind of person who goes back to reconstruct your family tree, and rummages through the attic looking for lost memories or objects of your past. You have a strong need to protect your loved ones, showering them with love and affection.

You are loyal in romantic relationships, K, even overly sentimental at times, and love unreservedly. The impact you have on other people is considerable. In remaining close and loyal to your true friends, you are in a unique position to connect with people, individually and in groups, in meaningful and lasting ways.

what do you think about that?

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