i'm a grouch

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there is something about still being at the office right now, at 10pm that makes me grouchy. and now i'm waiting for my car to come which makes me even grouchier because i feel like they should be here at light speed to take me home. especially since the reason the car is running behind is because of all of the corporate holiday parties going on.

i would love to be out running amuck, but i am at my desk, wall eyed and i think i am getting frown lines and maybe even starting to smell bad?

i was busted at work today for being one of the top10 email offenders. apparently my inbox/deleted items box was brimming with random shit, unnecessary to maintaining a successful career at the panty mercantile. i beg to differ.

handshake drugs is on. and something about working late always makes me want to get incredibly stoned. to loosen up and chill out.

ahh, to go home and smoke a big fat doob.

i have just reached an all time low. i just recruited tweed from a girl i work with.

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