i sent this fax today

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i have to clean like a bitch tonight and i am so not stoked about this. i['m talking top to bottom. not the swept under the rug, hide the incriminating shit that i can usually pull off.


no, i have to clean for real.
and look like a respectable human being lives here. this is a shams and comforter and quilt on the bed with throw pillows and dust every available surface and change the bong water kind of clean.


my baby brother, hot friend, and not hot fun friend are going to be here first thing in the morning. driving through the night to spend the next 96 hours in a drug/alcohol induced coma in nyc.

oh, and shake what 2004 gave you.

(be it a deadweight significant other, an std, a lame ass job- you know, whatever it is that you need to shake or just "supress the symptoms of")

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