it can't come quickly enough

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every week i have this one meeting that gives me situational narcolepsy:

nar·co·lep·sy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (närk-lps)n. pl. nar·co·lep·sies
A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations.

i swear to god, this woman can talk me into a coma. so now i am breaking for 17 cups of very strong, motor oil coffee before i have to go spend the next 4 hours with her.


Sailing through the tunnels In the morning by yourself There's a very special feeling True sensation all is well If you stand and reach your arms out wide Close your eyes and try to fly It's an underground illusion Tricking you from side to side We knew all the answers And we shouted them like anthems Anxious and suspicious That God knew how much we cheated It can't come quickly enough And now you've spent your life Waiting for this moment And when you finally saw it come It passed you by and left you so defeated Skyscrapers rise between us Keeping me from finding you If the concrete architecture disappeared there'd be so few Of us left to navigate and Defend ourselves from the tide It's an underground illusion Tricking you from side to side There's no indication of What we were meant to be Sucking up to strangers Throwing wishes to the sea It can't come quickly enough And now you've spent your life Waiting for this moment And when you finally saw it come It passed you by and Left you so defeated

fok fok fok fokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

i am having the worst day ever. i cannot imagine looking any less attractive. there are louis vuitton luggage sets resting under my eyes right now. my skin is pale. my hair, a mess. and i can't stay awake. and i broke my favorite favorite gucci sunglasses. and i ate a piece of chocolate after lunch, hoping it would wake me up and instead, i probably just gained 23492347 lbs. so now i'm just tired and guilty. then i drank some green tea out of a heinous duane read xmas mug and i'm sure i will get dysentery because the mug was really janky. AND and and. shady jim came by to fix my broken window without advance warning. i appreciate the fact that he's fixing the window with no glass in it, but i'm a little creeped out by his ability to come and go as he pleases. and then leave messages bitching about the fan being left on all day and my having expensive equipment in the way of where he needs to work. (expensive equipment being my lap top?) tomorrow i will have to leave out a vibrator and see what he things of that brand of "equipment." knowing jim, he'd bedazzle it and wear it as a brooch.

on a different subject-- do you get grossed out when you think about unsexy people having sex? i so do.

alright, i hate my life.


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