it's good to see you

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i'm fucking lazy.

it's saturday. a fucking gorgeous saturday. i should have woken up early. (but i went to sleep at 5:30 this morning) and i really should have gone for a run. (but i just couldn't be fucked with it (YET) because i am tired)

things that have happened since january:

i have been pretty damn well behaved.

i am in love

i am also in hate

i got a raise

i went to france & belgium

my once robust sex life has more or less come to a screeching halt

i have seen zero members of my family (except for two hours with my mother during a layover in new york)

i have joined a gym

i have also cancelled a gym membership

i have maxed out one of my credit cards

i have successfully just said "NO" to a pile of blowski

i have almost stolen a taxi (so close)

i have said "FUCK YOU" to an elderly person on the subway

i am fairly sure that i have consumed enough stoneybrook farms fat free yogurt to receive stock options

i have dropped 2 jeans sizes

but now the 29s are tight since eating my way through belgium

i have gotten a new office

i have cleaned my room exactly one time

i have changed my sheets weekly

oh, and i got arrested thursday night

cher blog,
i have missed you! welcome back!

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