my beloved micah left me today. back to san diego. it was really sad but really rushed. so not a whole lot of time for sentimentality. but yuck. no micah.
he left me alone with his friend.
it was nice to have someone around.
we went to nordstrom's to look for bathing suits. sweet.
one of my all time favorite activities.
bathing suit shopping.
but it is completely unavoidable every year. and every year i put it off until the last possible minute. in this case, i am leaving for the hamptons on friday and need something fabulous to wear whilst sauntering around east hampton and over to cyrils.
anyway so today was the day. we left the airport and went shopping. what a nice dutiful guy he was.
and then he even bought popcorn so we could watch harry potter this evening.
why does this not interest me in the least?
it's too boring and too easy.
and this guy is SOOOOOOOOO not my type.
i think i was really mean when i was trying to make him leave tonight.
i am so tired.
i have to sleep.
first day in the office in over two weeks tomorrow.
it is going to be hell.
mikkkkkah, i miss you.
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