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it is annoying when someone dials 4 times in a row. you didn't pick up the first time.
and not the fourth either.

i have just walked in the door and am expecting company. i am not picking up the telephone. stop calling. i will call you back, i promise.

i am not an asshole.

i return calls.

i have just started reading my grandfather's memoirs. it has generated a lot of feelings. on one hand i am proud of him- he is one of the most accomplished and celebrated in the field of medicine. he is incredibly charming and brilliant. on the other hand, i was genuinely concerned that he might injure his elbow patting himself on the back so feverishly. blah blah blah 'head of my class at this top school'... blahblahblah 'head of this board and that board'... blahblahdeblahdeblah 'my published journals'... blahbluuuublah 'funny that-- it turned out i was HIS boss'... blagblagblag, insert dropped name here... the first 9845794574 chapters of the book are interminable it seems. all riddled with self praise. the second to last chapter, about "family" is about 3 and a half pages long:
a page about my late grandmother who was so extraordinarily beautiful/ "depressed"
a half page about how "active" he is in his children/grandchildren's lives
a page about his 2nd and third wives
and finally, a big fat accolade to his 4th wife- world champion swimmer, player at wimbledon, palm beach socialite, and bullshit artist extraordinaire

it is hard for me to comprehend being so driven by my career that i leave out all of the important parts.

to me.

maybe i am secretly jealous that there is not a chapter devoted to his fabulous granddaughter- devoted family member, accomplished tennis player, singer (with an undiscovered wealth of talent), 9to5'er, part time alcoholic, fan of mind altering drugs, traveling, shittalking, and spending money.

it painted a very nice picture though. i'm sure colleagues and aspiring medical professionals will find it inspiring.

i wish i did.

i would love to be celebrated in my field. world famous lingerie designer wins nobel peace prize

company is coming over

i refuse to spaz about this


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