i don't know what i can save you from

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cat and mouse.

that's what they call it.

i just found something that was very symbolic for me.

i am in my apartment. hungry because i still have not been to the store since before leaving for Hong Kong. no time. food is not a priority at the moment.

so, ravenous, i went to the freezer thinking maybe there's one little icecream in here somewhere? and i peaked over the shelf and there it was. one last piece of my last Côte d’Or bar. THE Côte d’Or bar.

the very same one that i bought while hysterically crying in the Brussels National Airport a few months ago.


went into the stupid shop to buy cigarettes, waffles, chocolate, whatever for my friends and couldn't muster up the composure to stand in there and buy anything that made sense.

i grabbed one chocolate bar, thinking i could make it last. and then it was gone. i ate the pieces very carefully. i remember i ate the last piece around the end of May. and that was it.



and now tonight i find there has been one last piece of dark chocolate here the whole time.

seems symbolic of something, though i don't know what.

i am usually quite sentimental.

but tonight i am more hungry.


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