i think i know the problem
Published Wednesday, July 05, 2006 by summerdress | E-mail this post
the problem is that i'm not completely open & honest on this goddamn blog anymore.
can you handle it?
am i afraid of the real me?
am i afraid of what other people will think?
but this is my fucking blog.
if you don't like it, get the hell on.

so open the flood gates.
pure, unadulterated bullshitting katie.
To be honest I am losing control, completly not connected anymore...
Katel, it's difficult to read you! u're complete the opposite of me... There is NO other person in my life .... otherweise I am not talking so openly about you with my mom.
Why can't you be yourself and open anymore with me? Why don't you tell me the truth anymore?
OK this is your blog, completly agree but this is the way we met ....
For some reason this blog became part of me as well ... the ONLY way (what a pitty)that we can communicate ...
It's so frutstrating because you do not talk directly to me ... you are saying some things about life, present and future stuff ... but it's all so in the dark.
How do I have to act? What do I have to do? Tell me?
These one or two words a day of you for me is not enough anymore!
I am do my very best to get everything together to make this happen ... what can i do more?
Again I am sad this morning...
Do I really have to start looking arround and give up my dream (built up for almost two years)? Is that what you want?
Tell me? Speak to me?
Kind Regards .... sorry but you are becoming a stranger!