home again, home again, jiggity-jig

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happy birthday usa.
the fireworks have been going for days now.
5 to be exact.

i'm back.

well i thought i would write a showstopper tonight.


not so much.

instead, here are some nice photos from the mini-break.

more to come...
including: why my sister currently hates me, why this summer may find me in london and juneau alaska, and much more--- wheeeeeeeeeee

2 Responses to “home again, home again, jiggity-jig”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Of course I am sad that there is not a single message for me.... not even a hidden one!

    the only thing that makes me happy... you come to london? Did I get this right... because I got stil free tickets!

    That should be the solutions I will pay for your flight to belgium or Paris or....

    Please love me


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    you are so far : ((( xxx

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