i seriously think i have ESP

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wow. the WEIRDEST thing just phone rang earlier and i thought i wasnt expecting any calls and i couldnt think of anyone i was dying to talk to that would call at this hour.. so i didn't

and then much later i forgot about it.

and i was listening to this TV show in the background while i was doing other things

and suddenly out of the white noise i hear

we met our next blahblahblah in south carolina. his name is TRAVIS.

and i thought wow, they said his name loudly as i reached into my bag to grab something.

and then i remembered my missed call and i opened my phone.

1 missed call

received calls


old friend i haven't spoken to on the phone in maybe years?


3 Responses to “i seriously think i have ESP”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 


    I went to my doctor to talk about my terrible nighmarres and feelings......

    she helped a lot (I will explain on the phone)
    and there is one thing I really want to do and this AS SOON AS possible => making a reservation to come and visit you!

    First two weeks of August I can take of? What do you say? During this two weeks we can plan for the rest of our future.....

    I am happy and in a good mood, funny and coïnsidence I came with good mood to work because I wanted to tell you all about my appointment with my doctor and then for the first time a feel good blog from you side YESSSSSSSSS

    I think we are back in track KATEL and PATRICK

    Please don't be distant this time
    we need to talk about us finally


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 


  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    YOu do not answer my phonecalls, mails, .... my love.......

    is this the end?

    Katel, that can not be true?

    you started again a passionated love?

    Give me answers

    big kisses and yes I do love you incredible much and Yes I do think you are my future still

    Your Patrick

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