it's a beautiful day

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time to chill the fuck out.

everything's gonna be alright.

life is cool.

the more i think about it, the more sure i am that the meaning of life (at least for me) is L-O-V-E.

and not necessarily romantic love. but love.

love for your friends. your family. people you may never even meet. loving people are so amazing to be around. and it is infectious. it makes life so pleasant.

And if you should be SO LUCKY as to find that perfect love, you should protect it with everything in your power.


i went to THIS concert tonight.

it was so romantic. i was there with my friends. enjoying the romance of being alive.

it rained. not hard. but a soft, beautiful rain the whole time.

we were soaked to the bones.
dancing in the rain.

such a universal language, dancing.

it was lovely.

i felt happy

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