can you imagine how painful it would be if you knew every time you were saying goodbye to someone for the last time?
like there was a little life alarm that went off like:
beep beep!
this is the last time you will ever see this person! make it count!
holy fuck
imagine all the people you've said goodbye to in your life.
not knowing if you'd ever see them again.
maybe you thought you would.
maybe you knew you wouldn't.
would you have said something different?

or what about people that you meet for the first time.
you NEVER know how they will affect your life.
what if someone you just happened to meet in some random situation changed your life and the way you see the world forever?
twist of fate maybe
life is incredible.
open your eyes.
and to the ones who try to bring you down....
it's like Diogenes of Sinope told Alexander the Great:
Stand out of my sunlight
xxx to you FP for the inspiration
Yesterday night, I woke up scared and in panic......
Went to the couch and just sat there in the dark, again
this bad thriller was playing in my head... you sitting on my knies on the busstop :((( then all of a sudden I remembered you standing at the door in your new york appartment and the big car came to bring me to the airport, then FLASH me lying in your handicaped Red Couch, Flash, long drive Thunterstorm, big clean airport we were strong all the time and then BANG, like a lighting ball that hit your brain, All of a sudden you realize that you are leaving and that there is nothing to do about it...... STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP NYC city my mom went down for her first all alone in the BIG city walk.....then we had to say bye............STOP since the last time I said NEVER EVER AGAIN it's TOO much... Yeah right "the circle is round" the Busstop in Antwerp and the weeks after till today are like lighting balls every micro SECOND it's affecting my brain I cannot think normally, I cannot eat normally........I slept a few hours woke up and felt terrible! Ran to my work (internet at home does not work AGAIN) and I never thought a piece of Côte d'or choclate with nuts will bring a huge smile on my face. From know on I call it Katel Chocolate...... Katel I miss you..... I wanna make plans, real plans, realistic plans, concreet plans, ........
I miss you and the nice dreams you gave me all the time...
I wanna have again sweet dreams with you in our tent, cool rock music, nice shitty food, cool humor, and discovering the world, just us........