those are not wedding bells you are hearing

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weird thing he said as he's laying on the bed in the emergency room.

like a ghost. lips white and dry. ashy skin.

i held his hand. i was thinking to myself ** they can't take you from me. you are my dad! you are my idol. i still have so much to learn from you. **

and he said ** katel i'm not going anywhere. i still have to walk my little girl down the aisle **


record scratches. forks drop on tables. people slamming on breaks.

pregnant pause.

ummm, dad. please don't tell me you are waiting for that. i'm about as far as one can possibly be from that point right now.

recent heartbreak. i'm not even back in the fucking game yet!

either way it's a pretty tall order. if i was a potential candidate, i'd be pretty fucking intimidated. having to measure up to the men in my family?


1 Responses to “those are not wedding bells you are hearing”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous this bad news for me?



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