so many ridiculous expenses this month.
GRRRRRRRR... pisses me off.
all kinds of stupid plane ticket changes.
On sunday, i get to the airport, dropped off by my parents, to fly home after a nice weekend. i was so fucking exhausted. fell asleep in the car on the way to the airport while my parents were saying their goodbyes. get inside to check in, ready to go back to sleep at the gate and my ticket info can't be found.
turns out i booked my return trip for the wrong day.
son of a bitch.
had to pay to change it because i had to get back for my selling meeting at 9am monday morning.
today i had to buy my bridesmaids dress. the company was completely out of them except for one that is two sizes too big. and it's fucking expensive.
so now i have to pay for this dress that i will have to have altered the minute it gets here. basically the dress will have to be remade. chalk that up to the growing sum of money bleeding out of my ass right now.
and shoes. ivory heels that i will probably never wear again.
and the plane ticket to NC for the wedding.
for godssakes.
at least it's going to be a fan-fucking-tastic wedding with a bazillion old friends.
it's a good thing i'm in the green nowadays because otherwise i would be bankrupt living in a cardboard box right about now with all this shit. eating jujubees. like patrick swayze.
and i am still planning to buy a ticket to nyc next weekend.
it's only money.
in 2 days there will be another pretty check.
and 7 days after that, ANOTHER.
and speaking of nyc, it never occurred to me that everyone would have ho's in different area codes...
i thought if you moved somewhere new you should be humble and new and shy.
"what are the plans for saturday night?"
single and 27 in nyc.
oh well. i stay out of it.
ooooh ps- i forgot i saw this guy in the airport on sunday.

i locked eyes with him and thought he looked totally familiar and then i realized who it was and i started laughing.
so many questions i'd like to ask....
starting with: what is it like to be a mtv reality lifer?? is that a lucrative career?? are coral's boobs really that big?? have you hooked up with tanya?
hot, just hot.
OK I have to stop reading your Blog......
normally when I watch and read in the morning it makes me really happy..
Now it makes me sick and I wanna puke, stay in BED forever.......
I have to stop dreaming (hoping)... isn't it sad very sad...
How are you capable... so QUICK so fast ...
Like I never existed ... dammit :((((((((((((
you are not capable to cheer me up, no complete the opposit!
Don't make it worse
It's not my fault to be in love and in pain at the same time.
Do you really untherstand what you wrote in French?
The message is very clear :(
Bye again another day in hell