two things cheered me up today
Published Sunday, June 25, 2006 by summerdress | E-mail this post
1. this.

2. speaking to micah. he finally made the big move. week in paris. week in milan. then off to begin life in barcelona. amazing. he's my hero.
last night sort of sucked.
t called yesterday to tell me that she picked up a gaggle of hot boys at the pool and was bringing them to me. t is a model. she picks up very attractive men. these happened to be basketball players, the shortest of which was 6foot7inches. 2.01 meters. i felt like a dwarf. even t is 6foot 3 inches in heels. thank god i wore 4" wedges so i was 5'10".
we went to this rooftop bar, where the only thing that kept the night from not-sucking occurred.
one of the basketball players came over to where i was talking to t and meeting her new friends and said, "i have to tell you, you are one of the most beautiful girls i've ever seen." how incredibly kind.
i love compliments and being complimentary.
probably my favorite compliment this year came from micah. he told me that he has never not liked a single song i've ever played. yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss
it's all in the timing my friends.
anyway, we went to spice. blahblahblah. dancing. waaaaaaaaaay too much booze. gave mike a bajillion dollars for driving me home. then left my credit card in the cab so he had to deliver to me today.
oh and successfully avoided any kind of face to face contact with tony/kev the israeli guy from last weekend. whew! disaster averted.
i'm too bored/lazy/tired to write anything interesting.
just that this day started out very depressing and those 2 things cheered me up.
Jezus, I promised myself not too look at your blog!
It's your personal diary but on the other's on the web so........
Anyway I hope you are doing fine! And I wish I could say the same here but is not really the case.
does not matter