oh dear

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i am exhausted.

i HAVE to sleep.

tonight has been a little bit of a disaster.

i have worked no less than 78 hours this week. in 5 days.

tonight i left the office thinking. oh my god, i'm so tired.
all i want to do is sleep and i have to go home and pack.


so i came home to pack/work/go to sleep.

let me briefly flash back to last saturday night, when i was getting ready to go out, and a loud bug the size of a hummingbird flew out of the lamp in the bathroom and started bouncing of the walls/mirrors/me. i screamed.
there may have been flailing involved.
the insect (which may have actually been a loud buzzing bat) flew into a cabinet, which i shut in a very spastic way. i will probably never open that cabinet EVER again.

flash forward to tonight.


home from work.
not wanting to pack.
sit down for a minute.
suddenly the bat-like insects two cousins (terodactyl's maybe?) emerged and tag teamed my living room.

i ran for the bug spray and had a face off with one of them who buzzed around my sconce for about 5 minutes before drowning.

it was a loud, exaggerated, buzzy death.

convinced that maybe it was only one terodactyl, i calmed down.
then, out of another wall sconce, the brother beast (a flying dragon) lets out a buzz and began ricocheting around inside like a pinball.

i was almost out of ammo and my aim was off... as i finished the spray can of bug killer, i watched it sneak up the brick wall and into the crack where it meets the ceiling.

are you kidding me?
no way this is happening. i have a total phobia of this kind of thing. and i'm unpacked, supposed to be on a plane in a few hours.

so after 30 minutes with my skin crawling, i decide to go to the store for backup. more spray.

is it a bee? is it a fly? is it flying hissing reptile?

with every kind of spray they make.

i'm standing in the living room assessing the situation when i hear a loud pop.
another pop.
i go into the kitchen and hear water dripping.
faucet is not running.
floor is very wet near the stove.
look up.
huge bubble in the ceiling. ready to pop and expound gallons of water from the rooftop.

dammit. this morning there was a letter from my landlord.
"... will be out of town starting friday july 14 and will not return until sunday july 23. in case of emergency call..."

oh the luck.

finally i'm calm. spoke to danny the maintenance man on call. he will come early in the morning.
just one night with the terodactyls and the bladder of water looming over my kitchen, ready to burst.

now i'm packed.
but then a huge millipede just hauled ass (mach 9) across the rug in the living room. ha!
don't cross me you bastard, i'm armed.

that's right. can of bug spray still smoking, i fired.
another one bites the dust.

somebody call a goddamn exterminator!

1 Responses to “oh dear”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    please Katel communicate with me?

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