ahhhh the weekend.
i still managed to eek some life out of today, thanks to fp for keeping me awake last night long enough to sober up. thanks fp!

today i didn't wake up until after noon.
world cup final at 2.
disappointing loss (goddammit zizou) so i left to burn off the nervous energy and play tennis with the shet.
dehydration from last night's shenanigans did not bode well.
but all was good.
we got a fan club of a half dozen little boys that sat behind each of us cheering. so i had to step it up and laugh dehydration in the face. i even threw in a grunt here and there for some killer histrionics. yessssssssssss.
we laughed at the pictures from last night.
as per usual, i manage to attract the greasiest foreigner in spice. my friends just laugh now. okem or something. a turk. he spoke to me. i said where are you from. he said turkey. i said why are you here? he seemed insulted so offered that i sometimes didn't know why I was even in this city and i couldn't understand moving from bodrum to this armpit of the world.
we took this picture, shortly before saying goodbye to our turkish pals. and for the record, telling someone they look JUST like your ex-girlfriend, does not a quality pickup line make..

and still more attractive (and sober):

check the eyes actually rolling into the back of my head.
my god.
what do you think of this very ugly side of me? still like me? still want to be my friend?
LOVE is the essence of life. at least for me and in my mind's eye.
it seems so simple.
why do so many complications occur? where does it happen?
when you have to make choices??
pfffffffffffff i don't know. it is mentally taxing just to think about.
do you think technology and the internet are facilitators of good or evil?
I knew I did not gonna like it... Am I really stupid.....
I cannot continue like this ... FP and all your other internetfriends go for it Katel is a free woman! emotionally and fysiclay not attatched!
I tried to have a good dream about us, but how is it possible with all these shenanigans (you learnt me this word)! you go on holiday with our tent, take lots of days of plans to go to turkey and to me you say.... I only have a long weekend to spent with you and don't come to Columbus... How do I have to act...
I have an offer to go to Tel Aviv ...I can do a zillion things... I refused because I got something more important (Rescue my love of my life)! Yeah Right
This hurts again ...
A small quick I love you is not enough ... you never called me back when I called you on friday, saterday....
It's now up to you to act ... I do not have the energy