Stage fright


It's been too long.  I guess that goes without saying.  

I used to love to write in this space.  A little sanctuary with only enough enough left blank for me to write as much or as little as I want.  Like a magic diary that only expands as necessary to keep up with the thoughts in my head.  

I know no one reads this little magic diary, but I have still be come terribly intimidated by it.  I have wanted to write again so many times and found myself with complete stage fright.  

Even performing for an empty auditorium feels daunting.

Either way, I find myself here again.

Standing on my soapbox.  Preaching to the world from the confines of my soundproof studio.  

It's better this way I think.  

I get comfortable again and you cannot see or hear me.   

It's as if I do not even exist.  

And it's nice.

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